"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

Friday, April 16, 2010

Laura's first haircut and the hair dresser.

Note the healing black eye sustained at easter!

Laura has never had a proper haircut, only mummy chopping at it with a pair of blunt scissors when she wasnt looking! So it was time to neaten up that hair and giver her a proper trim! We went to Banana Skins in Applecross and they did a fantastic job. She felt very special and loved the whole experience, which makes it a lot easier for next time. Her favourite part was sitting in the car and getting sparkly glitter hairspray!

Easter 2010

We even made and decorated an easter cake together.

Laura's second easter, she was excited this year and enjoyed following the bunny footprints and the egg hunts!
She actually had 3 hunts, one at home, one at nannys and one at nanna and poppas.
Unfortunately we did end up at PMH hopital for children half way through the long weekend because she tripped and fell face first onto a piece of furniture, giving her a very swollen face and 2 black eyes! There was no broken nose or cheek bone thankfully. All the chocolate helped her recover!