Our family, enjoying peaceful farm living, striving to raise our two girls to respect their planet, appreciate all living creatures and aiming for a sustainable lifestyle. Living on 6 acres situated in the Great Southern Region of Western Australia. Pottering around our 60 fruit tree orchard, giant vege patch, chookens and a few furry creatures to keep us company - one Archibald the Brave doggy, 4 pussy cats, a pony, a goat and some 'Pacas!
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Amelia's stay in the Neonatal Unit in hospital.

Unfortunately at 5 days old, Amelia was admitted to hospital for severe jaundice. Her jaundice levels were so high that the paediatrician was considering transferring her to our major childrens hospital - PMH.
Her Serum Bilirubin level was 477 which is extremely high and dangerous. The paediatrician commenced phototherapy under 5 lights, intravenous fluids and a barrage of blood tests to find out why Amelia was so yellow. Cath was admitted to the hospital too, where she could stay with Amelia and continue breast feeding her.
After 3 days in hospital, Amelia's bilirubin levels dropped dramatically and she was allowed to go home. It is still unknown what caused the jaundice to be so severe and she has a couple of follow up appointments with the paediatrician in the future.
So far though, she has not looked back and looks less like a banana every day!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
The birth story of Amelia Zoë Kirke
After 2 days of pre labour signs, I started contracting at midnight on the 3rd January 2011. The contractions were mild at this stage and I lay in bed doing my hypnobirthing breathing I had been practicing for so long. The contractions started becoming strong at 3.30am and I was now in full hypnobirthing swing, to allow myself to focus. Throughout a contraction I visualised blowing up a big red balloon in my belly as I took a long deep breath in. As i exhaled, i visualised that balloon on a piece of string drifting off into the sky with Laura chasing it (this vision came from a photo we recently took of Laura chasing a helium balloon when she let it go). My mum also arrived at 3.30am to be on hand in case Laura woke up, as previously organised. After setting up my birthing space earlier, I used my hypnobirthing visualisations, breathing and relaxation techniques, whilst contracting on the fit ball in the dark, with just the glow of the candle light. My Jasmine candle was burning, Jasmine, Neroli and Lavender oil burned close by, meditation music played softly in the background and the birthing pool sat ready to go in front of the lounge room window, where the view could be enjoyed across to the coast and out to the twinkling lights. The ambience was very tranquil! David sat quietly by, allowing me to contract in peace, but still remaining a support. At 5.15am, Dave called our friend Torna, who was coming to support him and I (she is also a Midwife) to let her know the contractions were getting stronger and that she should come around. Unfortunately, although Torna only lives 5 minutes away, it took her an hour to get there as her car wouldnt start! By this time, the birthing pool was full and I had moved into the water to continue breathing through my contractions. I didnt vocalise and was very peaceful as I focused on staying relaxed. The warm water was an unbelievable form of relaxation and analgesia and watching the twinkling lights of the night sky, then watching the sun rise - was an amazing experience to add to my labour! Torna arrived at 5.15am. By this point my contractions were straight after one another, not allowing me a break and my membranes ruptured in the water. Torna and David found it difficult to tell when I was having a contration as I was so relaxed and quiet. It was only when I told them how close they were and that i was feeling pressure - that they decided it was time to move to the hospital. It was only in that last hour while waiting for Torna, that the contractions became so strong and close, progressing quicker than we anticipated! David and Torna managed to get me out of the pool, after some difficulty as i found it very hard to move from my peaceful and comfortable water world! I managed to make it to the sofa where Torna confirmed i was fully dilated. It was decision time as to whether we had time to get to the hospital (5 minutes away) or to birth at home. Given my previous history of a large bleed post birth, it was not a plan of mine or theirs, for me to unexpectedly birth at home! Despite the fact at this point, i found it extremely difficult to move - i somehow made it to the car just outside the door. All the while, David and Torna were fantastic in trying not to disturb my focus and hypnobirthing (i did not want to lose the plot at this stage!!), but were also trying to hurry me along as things were getting a little close for comfort! It was a beautiful, cloudy morning outside, light but no glare from the sun hidden behind the clouds. I got into the front seat of the Commodore on my knees facing the back window, as this was the only position i found comfortable at this time. It was 6.45am. I was still breathing and relaxed with my eyes closed. David was just about to get in the drivers seat and we were about to head off to the hospital. Then gravity took a hold! As i was breathing, i felt our baby girls head move down and there was no stopping her descent to earth side! An ambulance was called as a medical backup for Torna who was now kneeling beside me with the car door open. David was standing next to her and mum ran to get some towels. Laura all this time - was quietly tucked up in bed asleep still! It was now 6.50am. I continued my breathing and felt no urge to push, although i did feel her moving down and crowning. I was still on my knees facing the back with my eyes closed, breathing her down. I touched her head as it was slowly born and felt she had lost of hair! Torna was there, not talking, allowing me to do what felt right. Her head was born slowly and I had a second to pause and marvel at how peaceful it all was (albeit maybe a little unusual!), when i breathed her body and very long legs out! At this point Laura arrived having just woke up and came out to meet her very new new baby sister! Amelia Zoë was born into a loving, peaceful and tranquil world at 6.55am, into Tornas hands, while David and mum watched on. She did not cry, such was her peacful arrival. Her colour and tone was good and she breathed straight away. She did not require the excessive stimulation that some babies require at birth, she was quiet and opened her eyes to have a look at her new world! I turned to sit down and placed her immediately skin to skin with me and kissed her wet little forehead as she looked at me. Ok, so this was my beautiful view of how the last stage went! David was quietly having a coronary until he realised Torna had it all under control and that Amelia was going to be fine. Mum was quietly crying with worry, probably to start with - because her beloved grand daughter was born in a Commodore (of all cars!), instead of a BMW, then afterwards - because she was overwhelmed with how wonderful it all went! After I apologised profusely to my husband for giving him heart failure and to Torna for putting her in the position of an unexpected home birth (and for making her catch a baby on a gravel driveway on her knees!), we made our way to the hospital, Amelia still skin to skin with me and attached by her umbilical cord which was still attached to her placenta inside. We waved hello to the ambulance on the way past and said thanks but job done! On arrival to the hospital (Cath's work), she got a nice welcome from all the midwives she knew. We stayed here in the labour ward for 4 hours, while Amelia had her first 2 breast feeds and all the paper work was done. Amelia was cleared by the paediatrician, I was cleared by the doctors, Amelias placenta was birthed and we then went home to enjoy our new lives as a family of four. Graphic content follows - (for those that are interested, i did not have so much as a graze, let alone a tear and i hardly bled at all!). We are now spending time at home, the four of us, getting to know each other as a family! I had approximately 3 hours of established labour, so it was much quicker than expected. The hypnobirthing techniques will be something i recommend to all my women who i care for antenatally in the future.
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