"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fast forward ...

Well a lot has happened since my last post! Over a year has gone by, the girls have grown
T A L L! David and I have also learnt the art of patience! Anyone who knows me well, knows that its not one of my strong points and we have gone from excitement, to despair, to excitement to just being confused. Yes, I am talking about our home situation, the block, our building plans and the emotional roller coaster that surrounded that.
BUT, before we go there, lets have a quick look at the past year in photos ...

Christmas 2012 came and went.

The girls continued with their art work!

Our baby Amelia, turned two!

Jackson, the girls first bunny rabbit arrived.

He was 3 weeks old and needed hand rearing.

Amelia transitioned from a cot to her big bed.

Mummy and the girls discovered weird photography on the new iMac! Amelia was NOT impressed!

Australia Day came and went.

Doc, the next bunny arrived as a friend for Jackson!

                                       Laura started Pre-Primary. Her little sister stood in awe!

Archie got BIG!

Amelia discovered body art ...

                                    Nanny and Poppa Merv bought 5 acres in Gidgegannup.

                                             We went on a family holiday to Denmark.
                                              Daddy discovered the joy of quad biking!                                        

Archie turned vicious! ... Just kidding!

Mummy and Daddy went on a holiday together, ALONE, to Melbourne to see great friends ..

                                               and Cath's dad Jim and his wife Margaret!

Cath learnt to knit at a Midwifery conference on the Gold Coast! ... The scarf should be ready to wear by winter 2020! 

Laura had her tonsils and adenoids removed. She was incredibly brave and had a good recovery. She was most disapointed that she couldn't keep her removed body parts in a jar on her bedside table!

We all went on a family holiday to the SNOW in Melbourne!

Site works and clearing finally started on the Parkerville block, we put up a water tank, put down a sand pad, dug a power trench .... then SOLD the Parkerville block ... !!

And bought a beautiful 6 acres with a 5 bedroom house in MOUNT BARKER!!!!!!! 
Stay tuned ...

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