We had a little, or rather big, visitor again today. We thought it was the same Kangaroo that David bumped into on our steps eating apricots from our tree a few weeks back. I also met him laying by the fish pond a few weeks ago. Both times he has stood taller than David - about 7 feet tall. But on closer inspection, this handsome boy was actually badly injured with a swollen back leg that he cant use. He is very skinny and quite weak. He doesnt seem as tall as our other friend. We are hoping it isnt the same majestic boy that has come to visit us before. If it is, he has become sick very quickly.
So, we figure we cannot leave the poor roo in pain and suffering and we just happened to have a trained wildlife carer over for lunch who is a roo expert, at the time the roo visited (clearly the roo knew this!). He has been laying by our back fence all day, not worried about us at all, most likely because he is unwell. So the plan is to give him fresh water and food over the next few days, see if we can get close as he gets sicker and humanely put him out of his misery. Not a nice thing to do, but it will be much nicer for him. The leg looks beyond help and really painful, bless him. He cant use it, so escaping any predators would be useless for a roo of his size, on 1 leg.
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