On the 23rd March 2010, Perth had the biggest storm in 50 years (or so they say!). We had little warning and fortunately i was at home that day as i was on night shift that night. I went to pick up Laura from day care at 4pm and at 4.30pm the skies looked very grey and the storm rolled in. We have very impressive views of storms coming in from our loungeroom window. These photos show before, during and after. It was all over by 7pm, but not without causing millions of dollars damage around Perth. We didnt recieve any damage and got off quite lightly - for once, the hills area didnt cop the full force. Nor did we lose power, some people are still without power even now, 4 days later. Below are some news links about the storm.
David was at work so missed it all! I went to work at 9pm that night, to King Eddies in "Code Yellow" meaning - Internal disaster!! Much of the hospital was flooded, the birthing centre roof collapsed and every pregnant woman in Perth went into labour that night - it made for an interesting and busy night shift!!
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